To our Gurley Website viewers:

In our newest section of the website, "From Our Past", we have revealed compelling stories and many photos of our town's history. We have shown that our town of Gurley had a very interesting and colorful past. Our founders were very enterprising and resourceful individuals. Our town really is a Southern icon and our interesting history should be told to everyone and especially preserved for our citizens and future generations. All of the photos and information in this series came from past albums, articles, newly discovered files, and folders. Many of these photos and articles were found in an old cedar trunk in the Walker/Lawler house upon the passing of Berniece Lawler. Others were passed down through family members. The stories about the stave factory, bucket factory, and pencil mill were actual articles printed in the short lived Gurley Record newspaper. Three 1892 copies were found in the trunk, maybe the only surviving copies known. The Frank B. Gurley letters and deeds were also found in this trunk along with several founder's stock certificates and the original corporate charter for the Gurleys and Paint Rock Railway Company. It is interesting to note that two envelopes of Confederate currency were also found that once belonged to Capt. Elijah Walker, left over from Civil War days.

At one time, this assortment of records contained a diary that had been maintained by members of the Gurley family during the Civil War. The diary recalled daily events of Union troops knocking on the door for food, musket and canon shots heard nearby, and Confederate soldiers stopping by for food and water. This writer saw and read some of this diary when he was a young boy of 10 or 12 years old. The diary was lost and has never been seen again. It is hopeful it was donated to a local library or museum.

It is truly amazing the treasures our ancestors have left us, only to be found in some forgotten trunk, attic, closet or drawer. These treasures need to be shared by all that have pride in our community and an interest in our colorful history. The Gurley website is asking that you share those old photos, stories, or articles with our readers. Please submit old photos, stories, facts, or any items of Gurley history that you feel would be of interest to our citizens and those readers whose ancestors were a part of Gurley's history. Thanks to all.
The Gurley Website

Note: all photos or stories can be submitted to: